The song "undo" by Rush of Fools has been a real encouragement to me lately, and this video was put to that song.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Christmas Break
In this time of resting and relaxation I thought it feels good to look back and recount the great things that God has done in the past semester. I feel especially indebted this year as I stepped into college, and all of the different challenges that brings. He has led me and blessed me although I have failed Him in innumerable ways. This has been probably one of my low points spiritually as I have focused on things and worldly desires far more than the blessings to be found in Christ. Yet, for some reason I dont know, He has blessed and comforted me as I struggle through my sin and trials. I am very grateful for His great blessing and love that has been shown to me this past semester. The semester brought some very different trials that I really wasnt prepared for. Educationally I have had to learn how to study a lot harder and actually spend energy learning.
God has really carried me through educationally and helped me although I dont deserve it by any means. In order to maintain a scholarship i have been receiveing I would have had to keep a "B" average. Sounds easy, but when I wasn't commiting myself, yet relying on my own ability I was coming short. Thankfully, He pushed me and showed me how to succeed through my parents and other students around me.
Physically, He has kept me very healthy this semester. Probably healthier than ever before.Once again, I have no idea why He has done this to me, and I really cant deserve it. But He has blessed. And now as I begin a new basketball season, I am in perfect health, and looking forward to a great season with a new team. A great opportunity, that wouldn't have been there without God's enabling grace. I am very thankful, and indebted. And I praise God for His work in my life. He has blessed through the storm, and through the calm. And I am very thankful. He is Indescribable.
God has really carried me through educationally and helped me although I dont deserve it by any means. In order to maintain a scholarship i have been receiveing I would have had to keep a "B" average. Sounds easy, but when I wasn't commiting myself, yet relying on my own ability I was coming short. Thankfully, He pushed me and showed me how to succeed through my parents and other students around me.
Physically, He has kept me very healthy this semester. Probably healthier than ever before.Once again, I have no idea why He has done this to me, and I really cant deserve it. But He has blessed. And now as I begin a new basketball season, I am in perfect health, and looking forward to a great season with a new team. A great opportunity, that wouldn't have been there without God's enabling grace. I am very thankful, and indebted. And I praise God for His work in my life. He has blessed through the storm, and through the calm. And I am very thankful. He is Indescribable.
Monday, October 15, 2007
God's grace in our lives
Grace (religion), unearned favor, freely bestowed by God on individuals who are thereby redeemed and sanctified. Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2005.For we who are not Microsoft Encarta scholars this means, a free gift given by God to those who are saved. He has given this to all of us who have claimed him as our personal savior. The greatest example of this is when he sent his perfect son to an imperfect earth to die for us. None of us deserved this grace, we really should be serving an eternity of hell right now. Think about it. Right now you and I deserve to be living in the fires of hell, enduring endless pain, but instead he has given us great gifts; homes and friends and family… none of these are our rights, or anything we have earned. These are purely gifts which God has given us for his glory. That last part is the part that is forgotten most easily. Yes, God is a wonderful savior who has blessed us much more than any of us deserve, but he didn’t just give them to us so that we can be really cool and show them off with our friends. I Cor.4: 7 says, “For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?” Why do we boast in the gifts that God has given to us as if we earned them? He is gracious to us in so many ways everyday! God ministers grace in three specific areas, His word, prayer, and fellowship. First of all in His word He gives us specific examples to follow, and find comfort in during our tough times. You may be struggling with something here at school, or maybe things at home aren’t right. God has something specific that he put in the Bible to help you through this time. Secondly, prayer is a huge minister of Grace. Both for yourself and others. God has allowed us to communicate with him in a special way that only we as Christians have. He hears everything that is said by every human during a day, but he allows us to actually consciously talk to him and bring our burdens and requests to him. You have to take advantage of this!!! He is THE GOD and yet he still allows you and I to talk to him! This is a great gift because he made you and he knows how everything inside of you works. He lived the life and endured more than we can even imagine. Talk to Him! The last ministry of Grace is fellowship. John Kappel, a freshman at Bob Jones University, once told me that the only reason he joined a basketball team last year was for the fellowship. What does this mean? Why would you do something you don’t like for this weird thing called fellowship? Fellowship is the communication between believers concerning God in our lives. Sometimes we get scared of “fellowship” because it means we need to be spiritual and can’t have a good time. This is exactly the opposite of what it is! Fellowship is when we can encourage each other by telling what God has done for us. If Bill Gates walked up to you and gave you $1,000,000 would you just take it and walk back to you friends without mentioning it? Of course not!!! You would make sure the entire University knew what happened. This is exactly what we should be doing with the great works of Christ in our lives. You and your friends shouldn’t be afraid of fellowship, rather, you should cling to it and miss it when you are not around good friends. God is immensely gracious to us, and we need to thank him daily for his great grace and love. Without him, we would have no hope, but he has brought tremendous joy to us in the form of his son. Thank him today!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Love Others
The second of the great commands.
I Corinthians 13:1-7
Last summer I got to work at Northland Camp in Wisconsin. The first week and a half of camp was “staff training” week where we learned what we were doing and how to do it. During this first week I got to know a lot of the leadership team of the camp. Starting with brother Steve all the way down to the team leaders, the leadership team showed a constant, Godly love for the rest of the staff. They taught us how to love and demonstrated their teachings with their lives. This would be the beginning of a huge lesson that God was teaching me.
In 1 Corinthians God gives us a clear picture of what love does. All of our good works and all of our great attempts at helping others or serving our communities really do not mean anything without love. It says in chapter 13:1 that one could have “ the tongues of men and of angels.” This is referring to what was considered the greatest spiritual gift in that day. Here we are told that even with a great gift, it means nothing without love. Today this could be the gift of a great voice, or the ability to perform music well. Although you may be a great artist, or an amazing singer it really doesn’t matter and is not really important unless love is the motivation for your performance. He continues by telling us that even if we have “… faith to remove mountains…” without love, it is no big deal. Dwell on this for a moment. Christians today rarely have any faith, let alone faith to move mountains. Personally, I struggle to trust God with forgiveness. I worry and am fearful of my sin which causes me to bear guilt constantly. This is a mountain in my life. This is what I need to trust God with, and as I learn how to He will move this out of my life. What kind of faith do we have? What causes you to worry or fear? That thing is exactly what God wants you to commit to Him. In verse three Paul tells us that the ultimate sacrifice is futile without the love of Christ guiding our steps. He writes that you can martyr yourself, give up your life, sacrifice your body “to be burned” , without love. This forces us to take a hard long look at all of our motivations. Why did I just go get that cup of water? Why am I holding this door open? Is it to make myself look good? Am I serving me? Because all that I do for myself or for others is futile, unless my ultimate driving motivation is a love for Christ ultimately and for others practically.
Beginning in verse 4 we see what love is. First of all, love is patient and kind. Think about this briefly. Patient – waiting on others, literally able to wait without being annoyed or anxious. This could be with an unsaved friend who will not turn to the Gospel. It could be with a parent, sibling, or teacher who doesn’t see things the same way as you, and who insists on their way being correct. He also says love is kind. Kindness, being considerate. Understand when a brother has views that are stricter than your own and is adamant about their personal views. Just as you don’t want to be rejected because of a looser standard, don’t reject someone because they have stricter views than that of your own. By the same token, if someone is “liberal” in your estimation, that does not give you the right to view them as less than you. Be kind, understand, and never view a Christian as less than yourself. We are all sinners! Secondly in verse 6 we are told that love “rejoices with the truth.” This idea pertains specifically in my life to gossip. Talking behind another’s back is a very common, easy thing to do, and for some reason we (Christians) justify this sin in our minds and feel okay afterward. This verse calls us not to seek out gossip and falsehoods, but instead to rejoice with the truth. So, when that brother comes to you and starts talking about another Christian, you do not rejoice or participate or allow that to go on. Instead, if you know the truth you are excited for this believer and you spread that truth instead. This does not say to spread the truth of their sin. In verse 7 we are instructed to “bear all things, hope all things, endure all things.” This part of the verse is referring to when you find out about others sin. After you have confronted the brother or sister in their sin, and they have acknowledged their sin and tell you they are working on it with God’s grace. Then you cannot go and tell others. You are to be a help to that person by keeping them accountable and praying for them. Never are you to go gossip with another believer because this one who has sinned has confided in you! They have trusted you as another Christian to hold them up before the Lord in prayer, but this gives you no right to share that information. You are to “cover” their sin. Not hide it or help them continue in it, but you don’t publicize the sin to others. My pastor said it is like covering them with a blanket of protection. This is very different than how we generally deal with these situations.
Love literally means that you have a selfless concern for the welfare of others. This is not going to be a natural thing for any of us. But God has called us to it. At camp they taught us that if you struggle to love someone than you must do two things. First, you have to pray for that individual. Bring them before your God and ask Him to bless them. Next, look for evidences of grace in their lives. If you start naming all the things Christ has done in their lives they seem like pretty good people, and probably not very different from you. Christ has called you to love others, it is the Second Greatest Command in the Bible. Put yourself out of mind, and love.
I Corinthians 13:1-7
Last summer I got to work at Northland Camp in Wisconsin. The first week and a half of camp was “staff training” week where we learned what we were doing and how to do it. During this first week I got to know a lot of the leadership team of the camp. Starting with brother Steve all the way down to the team leaders, the leadership team showed a constant, Godly love for the rest of the staff. They taught us how to love and demonstrated their teachings with their lives. This would be the beginning of a huge lesson that God was teaching me.
In 1 Corinthians God gives us a clear picture of what love does. All of our good works and all of our great attempts at helping others or serving our communities really do not mean anything without love. It says in chapter 13:1 that one could have “ the tongues of men and of angels.” This is referring to what was considered the greatest spiritual gift in that day. Here we are told that even with a great gift, it means nothing without love. Today this could be the gift of a great voice, or the ability to perform music well. Although you may be a great artist, or an amazing singer it really doesn’t matter and is not really important unless love is the motivation for your performance. He continues by telling us that even if we have “… faith to remove mountains…” without love, it is no big deal. Dwell on this for a moment. Christians today rarely have any faith, let alone faith to move mountains. Personally, I struggle to trust God with forgiveness. I worry and am fearful of my sin which causes me to bear guilt constantly. This is a mountain in my life. This is what I need to trust God with, and as I learn how to He will move this out of my life. What kind of faith do we have? What causes you to worry or fear? That thing is exactly what God wants you to commit to Him. In verse three Paul tells us that the ultimate sacrifice is futile without the love of Christ guiding our steps. He writes that you can martyr yourself, give up your life, sacrifice your body “to be burned” , without love. This forces us to take a hard long look at all of our motivations. Why did I just go get that cup of water? Why am I holding this door open? Is it to make myself look good? Am I serving me? Because all that I do for myself or for others is futile, unless my ultimate driving motivation is a love for Christ ultimately and for others practically.
Beginning in verse 4 we see what love is. First of all, love is patient and kind. Think about this briefly. Patient – waiting on others, literally able to wait without being annoyed or anxious. This could be with an unsaved friend who will not turn to the Gospel. It could be with a parent, sibling, or teacher who doesn’t see things the same way as you, and who insists on their way being correct. He also says love is kind. Kindness, being considerate. Understand when a brother has views that are stricter than your own and is adamant about their personal views. Just as you don’t want to be rejected because of a looser standard, don’t reject someone because they have stricter views than that of your own. By the same token, if someone is “liberal” in your estimation, that does not give you the right to view them as less than you. Be kind, understand, and never view a Christian as less than yourself. We are all sinners! Secondly in verse 6 we are told that love “rejoices with the truth.” This idea pertains specifically in my life to gossip. Talking behind another’s back is a very common, easy thing to do, and for some reason we (Christians) justify this sin in our minds and feel okay afterward. This verse calls us not to seek out gossip and falsehoods, but instead to rejoice with the truth. So, when that brother comes to you and starts talking about another Christian, you do not rejoice or participate or allow that to go on. Instead, if you know the truth you are excited for this believer and you spread that truth instead. This does not say to spread the truth of their sin. In verse 7 we are instructed to “bear all things, hope all things, endure all things.” This part of the verse is referring to when you find out about others sin. After you have confronted the brother or sister in their sin, and they have acknowledged their sin and tell you they are working on it with God’s grace. Then you cannot go and tell others. You are to be a help to that person by keeping them accountable and praying for them. Never are you to go gossip with another believer because this one who has sinned has confided in you! They have trusted you as another Christian to hold them up before the Lord in prayer, but this gives you no right to share that information. You are to “cover” their sin. Not hide it or help them continue in it, but you don’t publicize the sin to others. My pastor said it is like covering them with a blanket of protection. This is very different than how we generally deal with these situations.
Love literally means that you have a selfless concern for the welfare of others. This is not going to be a natural thing for any of us. But God has called us to it. At camp they taught us that if you struggle to love someone than you must do two things. First, you have to pray for that individual. Bring them before your God and ask Him to bless them. Next, look for evidences of grace in their lives. If you start naming all the things Christ has done in their lives they seem like pretty good people, and probably not very different from you. Christ has called you to love others, it is the Second Greatest Command in the Bible. Put yourself out of mind, and love.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
rely on His grace
It is not the middle of the semester and everything is really going at a fast pace. Tests, quizzes, papers, speeches they're all just flyin at me more than ever before. For the beginning of this semester I had been struggling. Struggling with fear, worry, and guilt. I continued to reach back to this summer and see what God has done in my life, and I felt guilty because Im not growing at the same rate that i had been. A lot of it was just lack of discipline. Really until this week I haven't been consistent in my devotions and praying was a fun thing to do, but I rarely did it. I piled sin upon sin and felt terrible about it, because I wasn't giving them over to my Savior. Praise God He never gives up, and he has put incredible friends in my life to help make a difference. Matthew Hoskinson has been a great example and encouragement to me in my pursuit to follow the Lord. He continually urges me to rely on His grace and to find my satisfaction in Him. I covet your prayers, and I challenge you to follow the awesome example of Christ and rely on His grace.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Amazing God
This song by Chris Tomlin really spoke to me and reminded me how great my Father is! I take advantage of His grace and power everyday and often forget of His tender love for me. He is Awesome.
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea Creation's revealing Your majesty From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring Every creature unique in the song that it sings All exclaiming Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name. You are amazing God All powerful, untameable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim You are amazing God Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night None can fathom Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name You are amazing God All powerful, untameable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim You are amazing God You are amazing God Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name. You are amazing God All powerful, untameable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim You are amazing God Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name. You are amazing God Incomparable, unchangeable You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same You are amazing God You are amazing God
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Monday, August 6, 2007
the life
I've been studying the book of Acts and it has really hit me hard just how commited Paul was to the God that he served. He literally spent his life on matters that our Father would put on his heart. I love it when I get to the end of a passage and it reads "and Paul spent two years here preaching the word and evangelizing the lost." What an example! He lived his life for the Master and kept none of it to himself. Ive lived my life so far nearly the opposite. It is so easy for me to live focusing on my emotions and what i desire rather than what Christ wants and the people around me who still need Christ! I am so sick of living a fake self centered "christian" life. I want to give up my wants and live for Him, but im so weak. And without His help I cant. Thats why I am so encouraged that He will never leave me nor forsake me, and although I struggle and yearn for certain things here on earth, He will never put me through I trial that I cannot win without Him being right at my side! What a wonderful truth that God has blessed us with! Live today for Him, and forget about yourself just for one day. Thats my challenge to you. May Grace and Peace be poured out on you today!
Friday, August 3, 2007
God is teaching me how wonderful He is ,even through times of struggle. He teaches, pushes, and loves me even when I really dont pursue Him with all of my heart. My flesh wants to stay in my current state and quit my furtherance in Christ, but then He calls me and draws me to His word where i am renewed and refreshed in the Gospel. He wants me to praise Him throughout the storms of life and cling on to Him when all else around me is falling. What a great God!!! I am not worthy of His tender care and I really dont value His love as it is worth. Thankfully my state in Him does not have anything to do with my actions or what i think of Him. He loves me even when i have forsaken His name and done my own thing. I am constantly in need of forgiveness which He happily grants and restores me unto Himself again. I am called a Son of GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This truth both startles me and calls me to a life that is worthy of Him, and also excites me because I have The God of the universe on my side!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Hey friends! I hope to keep this pretty regularly updated so that those of you who i dont live near can still stay in touch with me...especially all you northland folk! : )
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