Monday, August 6, 2007

the life

I've been studying the book of Acts and it has really hit me hard just how commited Paul was to the God that he served. He literally spent his life on matters that our Father would put on his heart. I love it when I get to the end of a passage and it reads "and Paul spent two years here preaching the word and evangelizing the lost." What an example! He lived his life for the Master and kept none of it to himself. Ive lived my life so far nearly the opposite. It is so easy for me to live focusing on my emotions and what i desire rather than what Christ wants and the people around me who still need Christ! I am so sick of living a fake self centered "christian" life. I want to give up my wants and live for Him, but im so weak. And without His help I cant. Thats why I am so encouraged that He will never leave me nor forsake me, and although I struggle and yearn for certain things here on earth, He will never put me through I trial that I cannot win without Him being right at my side! What a wonderful truth that God has blessed us with! Live today for Him, and forget about yourself just for one day. Thats my challenge to you. May Grace and Peace be poured out on you today!


Matthew Hoskinson said...

good word, skezz, good word. what a mercy from God that he would call on us to live for and speak of his glory--when he could open the mouths of rocks to do it sinlessly. thanks for posting!

Jason Harrison said...

glad i found this again! i hope to be reading it often:)